courts of heaven
Courts of Heaven
The Courts of Heaven (COH) process can be helpful for Jesus followers when they are facing injustices, relational or family struggles, or any area of life where they struggle with complete breakthrough. Courts of Heaven sessions can also be done by a believer on behalf of other people such as family or friends, even if not yet saved, as the Holy Spirit leads.
The Courts of Heaven should only be approached if you’ve first turned from sin and placed your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This includes believing the Bible is the reliable Word of God, that Jesus is God who came to earth in the flesh, was crucified for our sins, rose from the grave, that we’re saved through faith and not works, and that Jesus has always been God for all of eternity.
Below, we provide instructions on how to use the Courts questions with muscle testing. However, if you'd first like to learn more about the Courts of Heaven and how it works, click here to read: What Are the Courts of Heaven? In addition, you may find further training on doing a Courts session with energy healing under Trainings with Steven Keller. At the bottom of this page, we offer several Bonus Materials to achieve even greater victories in the Courts.
Instructions: How to Do a COH Session With Muscle Testing
Begin the Courts session with a prayer asking God to open the Courts of Heaven. By faith, believe that you are there and have an attitude of reverence. In prayer, honor the Courts, the Judge, and all those attending from God’s Kingdom. Present the issue you’re concerned about and proceed with the questions provided. Repent of any issues that are revealed.
The latest edition of the Toolkit now provides both Short Version and Long Version options for a Courts session. The Short Version contains the essential questions and practices that would take place, modeled off of concepts taught in Robert Henderson's book: Operating in the Courts of Heaven. If you've used the Short Version on an issue but feel like you need more victory, you can also try the Long Version. Another option is to use the Short Version and then muscle test whether or not any questions from the Long Version are important for your case.
Since all the questions in the Short Version are also found in the Long Version, we will review the questions from the Long version below. Underlying issues needing released or repented of can involve anything: spiritual roots, sins, heart-walls, curses, generational curses or sins, or any other energetic issue.
First, clearly define the issue that you are presenting before the Courts. Begin the session with prayer asking God to open the Courts of Heaven and to be granted entrance. Robert Henderson speaks of this as an important practice when approaching the COH, in Chapter 12 of his second book: Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven.
***Test Level of Consciousness (LOC) regarding victory in this case in the Courts before session (optional):
Use the Level of Consciousness chart in the Toolkit. By the end of the session, the number should rise as you remove various issues that have been obstructing your victory.
0. (This question is only for doing a Courts session on behalf of someone else):
Is there anything I need to repent of before doing this session on their behalf? (i.e. unforgiveness, judgment, etc. towards the person you are doing it for).
It's important your heart is right towards others before doing a session on their behalf.
[If doing this on behalf of someone else, direct the remaining questions towards them and not yourself].
1. Can the books of Heaven be opened for this case?
Books in Heaven exist that record everyone's actions, including their sins, obedience, and whether or not they have received forgiveness of sins through Jesus's sacrifice. During a Courts of Heaven session, these books are opened to present evidence. Even if there is evidence of sin, it can be forgiven by repentance and faith in Jesus's sacrifice. You can learn more about these concepts in the recommended Robert Henderson books.
2. Do I have possession of my book of destiny? (Or has enemy stolen it, etc.?)
Everyone has a book in Heaven where God's plan and destiny for them is written out. Not everyone walks in or fulfills their destiny due to their own choices. Some people have handed their book of destiny over to the enemy due to their choices. If someone doesn't have possession of their book, find the underlying reasons and have them state their repentance of those things. They can be sins, spiritual roots, lies the believed, curses or generational curses needing broken, etc.
Note that if you are doing a session on behalf of another who is living in rebellion to God and rejected their book of destiny, might not be able to get their book back even if you release underlying reasons. Sometimes, the individual will have to make their own choices leading to this. However, you can most likely still do a session on their behalf even if they don't have their book. You can muscle test and ask if you can proceed with the case anyway.
3. Can my book of destiny be opened and read?
If your book is open then it helps you be more aware of God's plan and direction for your life. If the answer to this question is "no," then ask for the underlying reasons and remove them. Make declarations of God's truths in place of them. Once all underlying issues are removed, the books should be allowed to be opened. Pray and ask God to do so.
[Extra questions, not always needed:]
These questions aren't necessary, but you may find them interesting or helpful.
A. Can I access my book?
If no, find and release underlying reasons until you get a yes.
B. Can I know what’s in it?
If no, find and release underlying reasons until you get a yes.
C. How many may parts does my book have?
There may be different sections, all of which you might not be able to access at once.
D. What does part ___ say?
You can muscle test for a series of words from the charts to get an idea of what the book is saying in regards to your destiny. God's plan for you is always something good, and always for you to walk in victory. Please note muscle testing can be highly suggestive to our own ideas, and to not put your full reliance on these answers.
4. Can I now present my case?
If no, find and release underlying reasons until you get a yes.
5. What does my book of destiny say in regards to this case? (Optional)
You can muscle test for a series of words from the charts to get an idea of what the book is saying in regards to your case. Please note muscle testing can be highly suggestive to our own ideas, and to not put your full reliance on these answers.
6. Does anything need to be dealt with in Court regarding this?
If yes, find and release underlying issues until you get a no.
7. What accusations is the enemy bringing against me? (Agree with enemy, repent, plead Blood of Jesus)
Sometimes this may be a description of a mindset, spiritual root, or a specific sin. Even if you don't think it's entirely true, repent of it anyway, because it may've been something you committed in your mind. Or, someone in your past bloodline may've sinned in this way and never repented of it, bringing a curse on your family line.
8. Are there any sins I need to repent of directly or indirectly affecting this case?
Repent of any spiritual roots, mindsets, sins, etc that are found. Ask for forgiveness, and believe it to be forgiven, declaring the blood of Jesus to cleansed it. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).
9. Are there any issues in the bloodlines that need to be dealt with?
If yes, test for on what side of the family (mother or father) and how many generations back. Find and repent of any spiritual roots, mindsets, sins, etc that are found. Note that you cannot change the eternal state of someone who's deceased, but you can break any negative effects of their sins off of your bloodline by repenting of and renouncing the sin and any agreement with it.
Sample prayer: "I repent of and renounce this (sin/ unforgiveness/ offense/ judgment/ etc) of this ancestor of (say the specific description here that was found through muscle testing). I ask for and receive forgiveness of it, declaring it to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and its influence broken off of myself and my present and future generations.
10. Are there any sins in my bloodlines that need to be repented of directly or indirectly affecting this case?
Same instructions as previous question.
11. Any: 1. Curses / 2. Word curses / 3. Generational curses / 4. Spells / 5. Witchcraft / 6. Assignments / 7. Incantations / 8. Hexes / 9. Vexes / 10. Voodoo / 11. Occultism directly or indirectly causing this? (1-11)
If yes, find, release, and repent of underlying issues until you get a no. These kind of issues require a declaration of being broken and loosed off in the name of Jesus and the power of His blood.
For questions 12-23, continue to find and release underlying issues until you get a no.
12. Are there any hidden causes or accusations for this problem/ injustice?
13. Does paperwork need to be filed?
This question may address whether or not anything is hindering us from believing that what Jesus did for us on the cross was sufficient to take away the guilt, shame, and punishment for sins. The legal requirements that we failed to meet are like paperwork that's been filed, by being nailed to the cross when Jesus died to pay the penalty that we could never pay for our sins. While you may already trust in Jesus and His sacrifice to take the punishment of your sins in order to receive eternal life, there may still be areas where you struggle with guilt, shame, self-punishment, self-hatred, trying to earn love, etc., because you haven't embraced the full implications of His sacrifice for this present life.
"And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it" (Colossians 2:13-15, NKJV).
In addition, perhaps there's some other paperwork that needs filed in the spirit realm during a Courts case.
14. Can attachments be made?
15. Any contempt of Court?
16. Any obstruction to justice?
17. Any claims by opposing counsel?
18. Any basis to delay by opposing counsel?
19. Any basis for appeal by opposing counsel?
20. Are there any verdicts from the courts of hell that need overturned?
21. Can I be counter sued by enemy?
22. Any ground for revenge/retaliation of the enemy?
23. Has the accuser been silenced?
24. Does the enemy need rebuked? Has the enemy been rebuked?
If the enemy needs rebuked and hasn't been yet, then ask the Lord to do so. Or, if you feel led, break the enemy's influence off of the situation, commanding him to leave in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood. Muscle test again to confirm it's been done.
25. Can a favorable verdict be granted?
If no, then clear any underlying reasons. Proceed to next part when yes.
Has a favorable verdict been granted? (Prayer or decree may be needed)
If no, pray and ask God to grant the favorable verdict, then test again.
If yes, you can make a decree in the name of Jesus of the verdict in your favor. Claim restoration of anything that is rightfully yours according to Scripture. If needed, you can muscle test for specific things in the verdict that you should declare.
26. Can judgment be granted against the enemy and I be paid back the damages?
If no, then find and clear any underlying reasons. Proceed to next part when yes.
Has judgment plus damages been granted? (Prayer or decree may be needed)
If the no, pray and ask God to bring judgment on the enemy, and that the damages be paid back at least sevenfold (see Proverbs 6:31). You can also make a decree in the name of Jesus that the enemy's work must be completely destroyed and everything that has been lost and stolen from you must be restored at least seven times.
27. Can angels be commissioned?
If no, then find and clear any underlying reasons. Proceed to next part when yes.
Have angels been commissioned?
If no, pray and ask God to commission angels into the situation, to destroy the devil's work and bring any needed restoration, justice, and vindication. Muscle test again to confirm it's been done.
28. Has a scroll/book been released in favor of my victory in this situation?
If no, then find and clear any underlying reasons.
(If released, it still may need “landed” into the earth/situation)
Scrolls/books from the Courts can be released into the earth/situation to enforce victory. They contain heavenly instructions that remove hindrances and produce tangible results in earth realm. Activities in the Courts may result in scrolls/books being released, but we need to be sure to “land” them. We may need to ask for angelic help to be commissioned for this. See the end of chapter 12 of Operating in the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson for this concept.
29. Does a scroll/book need to be landed into the earth/situation to enforce victory?
If yes, proceed to next question.
30. Can it be landed?
If no, find and clear out underlying issues. This may sometimes automatically land the scroll.
31. Description of what the book or scroll says?
This might not always be necessary, but sometimes you may need to make a decree based on what it says in order to land it into the situation.
32. Has the book/scroll been landed? (Prayer or decree may be needed)
If no, pray and ask God to commission His angels and land the scroll/book into the situation. You can also make a decree in the name and authority of Jesus for it to be landed. Muscle test again to confirm it's been done.
***Test LOC regarding victory in this case in Courts at end of session:
Often, the final LOC will be significantly higher than when you began.
Recommended Reading:
For more in-depth learning, we recommend exploring resources by Robert Henderson, including his two books: Operating in the Courts of Heaven (Book 1) and Unlocking Destinies from the Courts of Heaven (Book 2).
Also recommended: From The Courtroom of Heaven To the Throne Of Grace and Mercy by Jeanette Strauss.
Bonus Material:
What Are the Courts of Heaven?
Aligning Your COH Case to God's Will
Testing for Curses that Hinder Destiny
Energy Healing Seminar: How to Do A COH Session with Energy Work