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the thorough kit



the thorough kit


The Thorough Kit is highly effective in finding and removing the root causes of issues.  You can copy and paste the question list in the Toolkit into your sessions notes, write the description of the issue you are working on, and add in your results. 


Everything is numbered in order to make the muscle testing process ask quick and easy as possible.  You can do every section in order, or you could ask what the top priority is, asking if it's in Parts I-IV, then testing for the number within that section.   In the sections where there are multiple things to test for, you can test through the total number available in that section (i.e. 1-11, etc) instead of taking the time to read each option. 


Below, descriptions are provided to help you understand the terms in each section.


Part I

(1.)  Genesis Trigger:


The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "Genesis" as "the origin or coming into being of something."  The term Genesis Trigger refers to the original things (energies, spiritual roots, etc) that triggered the issue to come into existence.  There may be more than one cause to the Genesis Trigger.



(2.)  Point of Creation:


Point of Creation is similar to Genesis Trigger, but it seems that the subconscious mind differentiates between the two.  If you clear out the Genesis Trigger, something else may come up under Point of Creation, or vice versa.  



(3.)  All Other Causes, direct and indirect:


The causes can include a variety of things, including trapped emotions, spiritual roots, Body Code and other energetic issues.  To thoroughly eradicate an issue, it's important to ask for both "direct and indirect" causes.  Unless you ask specifically, the mind might just give you the direct causes while there are other indirect causes.


Part II

(4.)  Testing Phrases:


These testing phrases are helpful in finding ways the subconscious mind might be hiding something from you, even when your LOC tests high for an issue.  Test to see if the answer is Yes or No for each question.  If no, then proceed to find and clear out the underlying issues.


If you are working on clearing out a negative issue, such as, "What are the causes to my depression?" then you would address the Testing Phrases as, "Being free from depression," hence, "I am OK with being free from depression," etc.  


A.  I am OK with _____________
B.  I am ready, willing and able to __________________
C.  It is safe to __________________
D.  It is good for me to ________________
E.  I want to _____________
F.  I believe I can _____________
G.  I can honor ______________ 
H.  I am worthy of _______________
I.  I can be supported by others in_________________
J.  I choose to_________________


Part III:  For each of the following sections, ask: “Are any of the following directly or indirectly causing this?”  


Note it's important to remember to ask for both direct and indirect causes, otherwise the subconscious mind may not reveal indirect causes.


You can test more quickly by testing through the number of options for each segment.


(5. )  1. Curses / 2. Word curses / 3. Generational curses / 4. Spells / 5. Witchcraft / 6. Assignments / 7. Incantations / 8. Hexes / 9. Vexes / 10. Voodoo / 11. Occultism (1-11)


1.  Curses- these can be any curse from any source.  Break the curse in the name of Jesus and release God's blessings instead.


2.  Word Curses- negative words spoken over another causing a negative impact, could be from oneself or others.  Often, words from parents, authority figures, and church leadership carry more weight and the source could be from one of these, but is not limited to them.  Break the curse in the name of Jesus and release God's blessings instead.


3.  Generational Curses- these are curses that are inherited from previous generations in one's bloodline, often due to sin that they never repented of.  Generational curses are known to cause patterns of problems repeated generation after generation, such as addictions or the same health issues.


Once you find the description of the curses, you can "repent" of it, declaring that you're not in agreement with the sin, and ask the Blood of Jesus to cover it.  This changes nothing for deceased ancestors, but it does nullify the effects of the sin they failed to deal with, off of you and your present and future generations.


Break the curse in the name of Jesus off of yourself and both present and future generations of your family.  You can then declare over yourself an opposite blessing according to God's word.


4.  Spells- words and rituals used to control people, circumstances, etc.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


5.  Witchcraft- the use of sorcery or magic.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


6.  Assignments- a specific, evil agenda intended against someone.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


7.  Incantations- the words verbalized in an act of witchcraft/occultism.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


8.  Hexes- a form of affecting someone with witchcraft.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


9.  Vexes- a form of witchcraft with the purpose of causing constant annoyance.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


10.  Voodoo- a form of witchcraft.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


11.  Occultism- the attempt to use supernatural powers apart from God and/or from sources other than God.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.



(6.)  1. Anything in the bloodline that needs repented of / 2. My own sin that needs repented of (1-2)


1. This refers to sin that was never repented of in either side of your bloodline that is causing the issue.  The description may come in the form of a sin, or of a spiritual root.  


Once you find the description, you can "repent" of it, declaring that you're not in agreement with the sin, and ask the Blood of Jesus to cover it.  This changes nothing for deceased ancestors, but it does nullify the effects of the sin they failed to deal with, off of you and your present and future generations.


2. Get a description of your own sin that needs repented of.  Sometimes it may come up on the sins chart, or it could even be a spiritual root (vow, judgment, offense, unforgiveness).



(7.)  1. Post-hypnotic suggestions / 2. Addictive heart energies / 3. Post-traumatic stress / 4. Trauma bonds / 5. Programming / 6. Saboteur / 7. Image / 8. Broadcast message / 9. Miasm (1-9)


1.  Post-hypnotic suggestion- These are negative statements in the subconscious mind.  They can be planted through music, video games, other forms of media, that open the mind to suggestion by desynchronizing the hemispheres of the brain.  Post-hypnotic suggestion could also originate from other forms of mind control deriving from other people.


2.  Addictive heart energies (AHE)- this is a form of energy surrounding the heart that causes addictive tendencies.  Once the description is found, it can be simply be released with a magnet and declaration.


3.  Post-traumatic stress- energy causing post-traumatic stress


4.  Trauma bonds- refers to an injury to your soul that ties you to something.  You can have a trauma bond to a location due to an accident that occurred there, or a physical or emotional injury that took place.  It could be to specific types of occurrences or things (sounds, words, etc) that remind you of the trauma.  It could also be to a specific time of year that something traumatic happened, where you feel the same emotions during that time of year.  It could also refer to an abused person forming a bond with their abuser.


5.  Programming- refers to the act of one person trying to control/manipulate the way another thinks, therefore affecting their behavior.  Some people may not be fully aware they are doing this to others.  This way of thinking becomes embedded in one's mind, affecting their actions and the way they view self, life, others, and God.


When you test for this, you can test for the person it came from (parent, authority figure, etc) and for the description of what the programming entails.  Once found, you can renounce the programming in the name of Jesus and declare the opposite truth from God's word.


6.  Saboteur- an weapon formed of energy placed in your energetic field.  You can find the description of its purpose with the emotions charts and release it.  You may also be able to test what kind of natural weapon it represents (knife, etc).


7.  Image- an image your mind retains that your subconscious tries to direct you to fulfill.  Test for description and release when no more info is needed.


8.  Broadcast message-  an energetic message that you subconsciously send out to others, influencing them to react to you in certain ways.  Test for description and release when no more info is needed.


9.  Miasm- distortion of energy field due to a suppressed disease or issue, often passed on form previous generations



(8.)  1. Evil spirits / 2. Entities / 3. Disembodied spirits (1-3)



These terms cover any negative entities that have the intent to harm.  Find the description of their curses, agenda, etc, and break their influence and cast them away in the name of Jesus.



(9.)  1. Vow / 2. Covenant / 3. Oath / 4. Decree / 5. Agreement / 6. Soul tie / 7. Judgment / 8. Offense / 9. Unforgiveness



1.  Vow- any statement declaring I will, I won't, I will always, I will never, etc., that binds you to your statement and negatively impacts your ability to make the right choices or be free from certain states of mind.  Ex: "I will always struggle with finances," etc.  Find the description of the vow, renounce and let go of it, and declare God's truth in place of it.


2. Covenant- is a vow made between two people.  


3. Oath- similar to a vow, but the subconscious mind may differentiate. 


4. Decree- a negative declaration you made over your life.  Find the description of the vow, renounce and let go of it, and declare God's truth in place of it.


5. Agreement- an agreement with any non-truth. 


6. Soul Tie- refer to negative bonds formed through unhealthy patterns in relationships, or sinful relationships in general.  Break/loose off the soul tie in the name of Jesus and declare the truth.


7. Judgment- are judgments we've made about ourselves, others, God, life, an idea, or various institutions.


8. Offense- similar to unforgiveness, but may have the added element that you are letting someone or something take your personal power from you by believing that their actions have the power to do so.  

9. Unforgiveness- can be towards yourself, another person, God, an institution, or even an idea.



(10.)  1. Labels / 2. Mantles / 3. Branding (1-3)



These terms have similar implications, however, the subconscious mind may discern slight differences and refer to one of these specific terms.  Basically, they refer to the way others have judged/perceived you and having those labels energetically sticking to you, impacting your actions and the way you see yourself.  Since the words of those with authority in your life tend to carry more weight than others, its more common for labels to "stick" energetically if they originated from parents, spiritual leaders, or bosses.


Find the description of the label, who its from, and then break it off of yourself in the authority of Jesus.  Then declare over yourself the opposite truth of God's word.



(11.)  1. Regular / 2. Hidden / 3. Inherited / or 4. Hidden inherited heart-walls (1-4)



Find the description or source of heart-wall and release.  It may be possible to find a description (i.e. panic, etc) of the heart-wall and release the whole heart-wall based on that description.  Inherited heart-walls are passed on from previous generations.



(12.)  1. Trapped emotion / 2. Psychic trauma / 3. Emotional resonance (1-3)


1.  Trapped emotion- these are not limited to the Emotion Code chart, but may also be found on the Level of Consciousness chart, and the Negative Emotion chart


2.  Psychic trauma- a term from Dr. Bradley Nelson and the Body Code system, this refers to two or more trapped emotions that were fused together at once.  Test for each trapped emotion in the PT then release, usually it's not more than two.


3.  Emotional resonance- when the body is left resonating or"ringing" with the vibrational energy of an emotion



(13.)  Causes that are: 1. Hidden / 2. Buried / 3. Secret / 4. Top secret / 5. Traveling / 6. Subconscious / 7. Inherited / 8.  Acquired / 9.  Preventing from getting deeper  (1-9)


The subconscious tends to hide things and may identify with specific terms in order for them to be discovered.  Note, that these labels can apply to any form of energetic issue (trapped emotions, spiritual roots, curses, etc), and you could ask this question pertaining to each of the questions in the Thorough Kit.


7.  Inherited- passed on from previous generations


8.  Acquired- energies you carry that were picked up from other people


9.  Preventing from getting deeper- refers to any cause blocking you from finding deeper roots to the issue



(14.)  1. Issues / 2. Assignments / 3. Curses on my time/timeline or trauma bonds to time* (1-3)


This pertains to issues or difficulties that arise during specific times of the year.  There is a detailed explanation of this in the Toolkit, in the Extra Tools section, Page 2.  After finding the description, break it in the name of Jesus, declaring God's blessings in place of it.


Trauma bonds to time- the experience of specific emotions or difficulties during a specific time of year when a trauma occurred in the past.  



Part IV:  For even deeper results, proceed to the Integration Kit.





The Advanced Energy Work Toolkit is a free resource, updated periodically with new cutting edge strategies.

If you've found this tool helpful, you're welcome to donate towards the research and editing of the document and additional resources provided on this site.  


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Disclaimer:  The Advanced Inner Healing Muscle Testing Toolkit (AIHMTT) and the contents of this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any conditions, whether it be medical, physical, emotional, psychological, or otherwise.  The decision to use any information provided is the sole responsibility of the user.  If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of a professional as needed.

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